Rantings from the woods.

February 01, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Jets overhead, the faint rumble of the M25 joined with the horn blowing goods train that trundles through Brentwood station now all just a minor irritation in the distance under the immediate musical morning song that surrounds Abi and I as we walk in the trees through the drizzle and damp of the first day of February. There was a particular romantic feeling in the woods today, the wind seemed gentle and fresh without the cold nip, the branches swayed peacefully discarding their drops of cool water on ones face and neck exaggerating the pleasure of a simple walk in the park.  Whilst Brexit and Trump rhetoric fills our heads with doom and gloom and worries of what if; the world seems at the moment to be being run and held to ransom by whining also rans, what the devil...   Now in our world of the continuation of deliberate proliferation of conflict for profit a hopelessness seems to have crept in, you cannot even win an election or referendum without sour backlash, cries of foul play from every loser demanding their own type  of democracy...  If Armageddon was around the corner, if the annihilation of man and creatures were to come to pass, who would loose,,  just man, the world would go on for another 4.3 billion years, beings would evolve again this time probably with radio active immunity and probably again work over the years to please themselves at the expense of others, ha ha utter nonsense.  John Griffiths thoughts in the woods...


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