Rantings from the woods 2 Nutterphobia.

February 02, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Rantings from the wood 2.

I am not an Islamophobe or indeed a racist, however I do have a rational fear of people who’s own reasoning model allows them to follow an invisible diety that would encourage harm to anybody that does not agree with their blind faith, whatever cult.  The thought that anybody; imam, bishop or pope has any knowledge denied me about the existence of a god figure and they know its mind is preposterous*.
And on immigration or choosing to live in a non muslim state, is it really to difficult to choose a country that follows the same archaic sharia, why choose to live in a country that is polar opposite to what you imagine to be correct?  We all on numerous occasions have to fill in forms stating our ethnicity and religion, would it really be to much of a stretch to add a caveat for anything other than than Christianity in the UK to say “Visas are granted on the understanding you abide by the laws and constitution (albeit unwritten) of the UK and her Majesties Govt.?” No religious/cultural rights will be allowed outside the same human rights of any UK citizen.  (if you don’t like our laws hop on the next flight/boat out)
    No sane person has a fear of any book of fiction or ideology whatever age, however revered whether it be Jainism or Hinduism although Harry Potter is a handful.  We must all be mindful of irrational concepts in historical or should that read hysterical scriptural writings that would like to challenge our status quo. If your chosen read states (quran 8.12) Therefore strike off their heads and every fingertip of them…  I am guessing the top man is not that peaceful or sympathetic and if you choose to follow the letter of his holy book neither are you!  To worry about these writings is surly not a phobia against Islam purely against a terrible book followed by a small percentage of the sadly misinformed by any standards.  
    When you think of living in today's world following an idea of an unalterable book written over a thousand years ago it is like,  your doctor telling you you have cancer and giving you two options. 1. You can visit a consultant in Harley Street London for a course of treatment.  2.  I can refer you to a witch doctor who has a collection of 1400 year old recipes and potions.   Which way would your average punter go.
    This all does seem terribly obvious to an anti theist as myself, and the visa thing blindingly simple, however common sense does not seem to be all that common and while we try and please all the people all the time we are doomed to fail.  Until all religious people keep their ideas and faiths personal and behind those big wooden closed doors it’ll stay the mess it is. And it will, in some shape or form of a religion.  Tell me I am wrong or some other type of phobist.

                        *“And do you think that unto such as you
                           A maggot-minded, starved, fanatic crew
                           God gave a secret, and denied it me?
                           Well, well, what matters it? Believe that, too!”
                                              ―, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.

Omar Khayyám was a 12th century Persian polymath, mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, physician, and poet.


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